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Health Benefits of Armoise Mugwort Essential Oil

Natural essential oils are extracted from natural sources (plant’s parts) & have amazing medicinal properties. In this section, we will discuss – health benefits of Armoise Mugwort Essential Oil.

This natural product contains camphor (borneone) and alpha- and beta-thujone. It’s considered one of the best remedies for stress and emotional imbalance. It supports well to the respiratory system. It’s a wonderful product to ease inflammation, pain and menstrual complaints.

It’s a perennial plant mainly native to North Africa, Europe, Alaska and Asia. Armoise Mugwort Essential Oil is extracted through the process of steam distillation where buds, leaves and flowering tops of the plant are used. Peppermint essential oils and other natural oils are also effective for different kinds of health concerns. If you are looking for Bulk Peppermint Products in Thailand. You can book order online.

Let’s have a quick overview of natural essential oils market, so that you could be more familiar about these products. If we talk about the natural oils, we find that these natural products are being for a long time back, means in ancient era. Where plant parts like – roots, stems, flowers, leaves, buds, seeds etc. were being used for the preparation of natural oils.

Each and every natural essential oil has its own unique characteristics, properties, and aroma that make it perfect for different health conditions like – respiratory problems, wound healing, cough, cold, fever, muscle pain, stress, anxiety, depression and many other problems.

In every part of the world, the natural essential oil market is growing fast. These products are being used in different industry verticals – like pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, cosmetics, aromatherapy, soap making etc. A few natural essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, sandalwood, rose, chamomile etc. have versatile usage. These are useful for boosting energy, digestion, relieve stress, improve skin conditions, reduce anxiety, mood, and helpful for relaxation.

Benefits of Armoise Mugwort Essential Oil

It’s a colorless to pale yellow liquid having a bittersweet odor. This natural product comes with a number of medicinal properties that make it a robust product to deal with various health problems. Let’s have a quick overview of Armoise Mugwort Essential Oil’s health benefits.

  • Boosting Energy

This natural product is better known for refreshing you and keeps you active throughout the day.

  • Reduce Anxiety

Armoise Mugwort Essential Oil contains calming and soothing properties; therefore, it’s considered effective against stress and anxiety issues in the body. Its aroma has the potential to stimulate the limbic system of the brain resulting produces the feeling of calmness.

  • Good for Painful or Obstructed Menstruation

Its properties make it a perfectly natural product for different types of health conditions, where it’s helpful to reduce the pain occurred during the menstrual time. Armoise Mugwort Essential Oil is quite helpful for headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, delayed menstrual and pre-menstrual syndrome. This natural product is quite effective to avoid early and untimely menopause.

  • Cordial

Armoise Mugwort essential oil is an amazing product that can produce a warming effect on the body. This can be effective on cold temperatures, and moisture in the air. It’s also quite effective to fight infections.

  • Digestive

Armoise Mugwort essential oil is considered very effective in treating different types of digestive problems. It’s good for maintaining the abnormal flow of digestive juice or microbial infections.

  • Nervine

Armoise Mugwort Essential Oil is one of the finest tonics for nerves where it’s helpful for nervous afflictions and disorders. It works as a relaxant and stimulant. It helps to control emotions, anxiety and stress. Therefore, Armoise Mugwort Essential Oil is widely used in aromatherapy.

  • Promote Circulation

Armoise Mugwort essential oil is best for the liver & promotes circulation in the body.

Buy Bulk Pure Floral Waters Producers in Japan & Armoise Mugwort Essential Oil

We are the best Bulk Natural Traditional Indian Attars Producers in Japan, and manufacturers of natural essential oils, carrier oils, floral waters, organic essential oils in India, USA, UK, and other parts of the world. Contact Us to Buy 100 percent pure and natural products. Our carrier oils are also very popular in different countries & today we are recognized as the best Bulk Cold Pressed Carrier Oils Producers in Japan.


Benefits of Amyris Essential Oil

Amyris essential oil has its own essence and significance in providing relief from stress and anxiety. It’s an awesome natural product that can help to soothe your mind and keeps you energized throughout the day. In this article, we will discuss in brief the Benefits of Amyris essential oil & from where you can purchase 100 percent pure and natural essential oils in India.  

Worldwide, their plenty of natural essential oils are available where every product has different sets of characteristics and properties. These natural essential oils are used in various industry verticals including- perfumery, pharmaceuticals, soaps, food and beverages, and cosmetics.   

If we closely see the list of organic natural essential oils, we find that there are more than hundreds of products (essential oils) like – lavender, lemongrass, clary sage, tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary essential oil etc. The natural essential oils’ market is increasing at a fast pace, as people have shown their belief in these products.  

We are the foremost Bulk Organic Essential Oils Exporter in Canada, USA, UK, UAE and India. We extract natural essential oils by the use of the traditional approaches without altering the natural essence of the source. We are also known as Bulk Pure Floral Waters Supplier in UK. Our natural products i.e. essential oils are being used in the perfumery industry because of purity and quality.  

A Brief Note About Amyris Essential Oil  

Amyris is scientifically known as Amyris balsamifera, where its oil is extracted by the use of the steam distillation process. Wood is the primary source of extraction of oil. The oil has Dry, warm, and woody aroma with peppery notes. The Amyris essential oil possesses antiseptic, sedative, antifungal, antibacterial, decongestant, and emollient properties.  

In the context of chemical composition, Amyris contains – 17.5% sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and 82.5% oxygenated sesquiterpenes. In addition to this – Amyris has the following major compounds like 7-epi-α-eudesmol, β-sesquiphellandrene, elemol, γ-eudesmol, valerianol, α-eudesmol, 10-epi-γ-eudesmol and β-eudesmol.   

We understand the requirements of our customers, therefore provide them high quality of essential oils & natural products. We are one of the best Bulk Organic Essential Oils Exporter in Canada USA and India 

Health Benefits of Amyris Essential Oil  

Amyris essential oil is a wonderful natural product that’s perfect for nervous anxiety, weak immune system, cold, flu, cough, sleep-related problems etc. We have gone through a little bit about Amyris Essential Oil, now let’s know about the benefits of this natural product.  

Relieves Stress and Anxiety  

Amyris essential oil has a soothing and calming aroma and contains – the combination of antioxidants as well as other active compounds. It has the potential to impact the limbic system of the brain. Amyris essential oil is quite good to provide calming vibes and positive energy throughout the day. It’s a perfectly natural product for providing relief from stress and anxiety issues.  

Good for Uninterrupted Sleep  

Amyris essential oil is one of the finest natural products that’s excellent for insomnia and restless sleep. Amyris oil calms your mind and ease your muscle tension, this helps in relaxing the body and offers you uninterrupted sleep and refreshed feeling in the morning.  

 Best for Respiratory Conditions  

Amyris essential oil has several outstanding properties including- antibacterial and antiseptic properties. All this makes it a suitable product to soothe the respiratory tracts. It’s also helpful in eliminating sore throat problems, where it can better deal with congestion, phlegm, and mucus.  

Boosts Immune System  

Amyris essential oil is a very good product for boosting the immune system of the body. It’s helpful for providing protection against pathogens, bacteria, and viruses. It’s great for reducing the strain on your immune system and helping your body to work effectively.  

Prevents Aging  

Valerinol and other compounds in Amyris essential oil are very helpful to reduce the stress within the body. These are pretty much effective to keep cells healthy. Antioxidants in the Amyris essential oil works better to prevent inflammation and irritation. In addition to this, it makes you look younger. It also smooths the skin and improves the skin’s texture.  

 Best for Improving the Cognitive Function  

Amyris essential oil also contains an active ingredient that helps in boosting cognitive function. Meanwhile excellent for neurodegenerative diseases, poor memories, and dementia. Its uplifting scent helps in stimulating the neural pathways as well as for increasing focus, concentration as well as retention.  

Removes Toxins from The Body  

Amyris essential oil is the perfect one for detoxifies the body where it’s excellent for stimulating perspiration, urination, and the digestive system. This natural essential oil can lower down the toxicity level in the body.  

 Improves Aroma  

Amyris essential oil has also antibacterial and antiseptic properties that make it a robust cleaning solution for your home. It provides long-term protection against germs and helps in improving the aroma. It can neutralize pathogens and removes the foul smell. 

Bulk Natural Essential Oils Manufacturers in India  

 We are the foremost natural essential oils manufacturer and supplier in India offering you the highest quality of essential oils, Co2 extracts, attars, absolute oils, organic essential oils, spice oils etc. The natural essential oils are extracted from the flowers, fruits, stems, roots, and other parts of trees and plants. We are recognized as the best Bulk Cold Pressed Carrier Oils Suppliers in USA. You can purchase the highest quality of Bulk Pure Natural Traditional Indian Attars from India 

 Our essential oils are widely used in different industry verticals – like pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and beverages, soap making, candle making or aromatherapy, etc.  We can provide you premium grade and organic essential oils online, you can book your order in Bulk. By our highest quality of products – we’ve established ourselves Bulk Cold Pressed Carrier Oils Suppliers in USA, UK and India. 


Essential oils can relieve anxiety

Stress and anxiety are one of the most prevalent issues in our fast-paced lives, where these may impact mental and physical health. To deal with anxiety, there are various options available in the market, which can help you to get rid of these problems. Here, we’ll discuss the essential oils for anxiety, including lavender, rose, vetiver, ylang-ylang, frankincense etc. 

Anxiety is the most common problem in today’s world, where it’s a natural response to stress. A person suffering from the feeling of fear feels nervous and low confidence while dealing with day to day situations.

In normal cases, anxiety has to and fro motion; it comes and goes. But if this takes over a person, then it becomes a disorder which is hard to overcome. Anxiety may cause you to stop doing certain important tasks of your life, and in extreme cases, it may fill you with fear while crossing the road, driving, or even entering the home.

We know that essential oils are scented aromatic liquid extracted from the plants, flowers and fruits. Research reveals the fact that it may help in relaxation and reduce anxiety.

There are various types of treatments available for anxiety, which include therapy and medications. But essential oils are placed on top position as because of their no side-effects.

Best Essential Oils for Anxiety

Anxiety can produce a negative effect on body and mind. Essential oils for anxiety produce positive effects while dealing with anxiety and stress. These natural products have great potential to stimulate the limbic system of the brain. And helpful in promoting the feelings of calm and relaxation. 

Let’s discuss calming essential oils for stress and anxiety.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil falls under the category of the best essential oils for anxiety. This is one of the most sought after essential oils providing pleasant fragrance and benefits. This essential oil is extracted through the lavender plant, which further passes through the steam distillation process. 

Whenever lavender is used in aromatherapy, then it can influence the limbic system, which is the control centre of emotions. Latest research on lavender essential oil revealed the fact that the fragrant compound in the lavender can help to calm down the nerves. Further, it can reduce the anxiety level by stimulating the brain while passing through the nose to the brain.

Meanwhile lavender possesses the following chemical compounds such as limonene, 3-octanone, camphor, linalyl acetate etc. which make it outstanding essential oil to treat various health issues such as digestion, skin and hair problems etc.

Also Read: Lavender Essential Oil Benefits

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense is widely used in various skincare and health care products including creams, lotions, serums & more. Since ancient times frankincense is used for various purposes including soothe stress, ease anxiety, and calm the mind. It’s one of the best essential oils for anxiety.

The oil can be extracted through the resin of Boswellia tree where the sweet aroma of this essential oil can be helpful to ease anxiety. The perfect blend of frankincense, lavender and bergamot can feel you better, and help to reduce depression, stress and other sorts of mental disorders including insomnia.

Vetiver Essential Oil

Among the top essential oils for stress and anxiety, vetiver holds a good position. According to a study on the vetiver essential oil, it was found that it’s exceptionally good to produce relaxation and calm. Vetiver has anti-anxiety abilities which makes it good against several different disorders. It’s considered the best essential oils for stress.

Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang-ylang essential oil is mostly used in aromatherapy, which further helps to provide the calming effect. Furthermore, it’s quite effective in reducing anxiety levels, maintaining blood pressure and heart rate. Moreover, they provide good results in reducing stress, tension, and sleep-related disorders. Moreover, known as the best essential oils for anxiety.

Apart from this, ylang-ylang has an amazing property to deal with skin and hair issues. It’s also best for eliminating the effect of irritation. Also, this facilitates wound healing and keeps the health of the nervous system in a good state.

Rose essential oil

Rose essential oil is extracted through the rose petals, where it possesses the excellent fragrance which can soothe the senses. Whenever rose essential oil is used with a carrier oil, then this can stimulate the brain to release a good hormone called endorphins. Also, it helps in controlling blood pressure, heart rates, and oxygen level in the body. Rose is a wonderful essential oil and falls under the top 20 calming essential oils.

Buy Pure and Natural Essential Oil for Anxiety

KushAroma is recognised as a trustworthy natural essential oil manufacturer, supplier and wholesaler in India. Where we extract the high-quality of natural products using the traditional approaches, i.e. the steam distillation and cold-pressed. We manufacture essential oils, Indian attars, absolute oils, carrier oils and many more products. All our products passed through rigorous quality checks. Buy now calming essential oils for stress and anxiety.


Cypriol Essential Oil Benefits

Research on the Cypriol essential oil reveals the fact that this natural product is good for many health concerns. Among the list of essential oils, Cypriol has its own significance. In this article, we’re going to explore Cypriol essential oil benefits. It’s good to note that Cypriol is one of the best essential oils for acne. 

What is Cypriol Oil?

Cypriol is a herbaceous plant that is grown in the river beds in India’s Madhya Pradesh state. 

However, it’s found in the rest of the world in tropical and temperate regions where Cypriol essential oil is obtained through the hydro-distillation process from Cyperus scariosus R.Br.

Since ancient times, Cypriol is used for different purposes, including fevers, dysmenorrhea, digestive system disorders, and other maladies.

Chemical composition and Properties

The therapeutic properties of Cypriol Essential oil include analgesic, anti-depressant, anti-fungal, antiseptic, hepatic, diuretic, calmative, spasmolytic, hypotensive, and carminative. The chemical composition of Cypriol includes the 21 nitrogenous components and comprises of novel lactone, cyperolactone, and alcohol.

There are certain amounts of minor compounds patchoulanol, isopatchoulenone, isopatchoul-3-ene, 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde, calamenol, a-copaene, isopatchouli-3,5-diene, ar-himachalene, rotundenol, myrtenol, and a-selinene. However, there are certain types of other components such as pi-guaipyridine, guaia-9, 11-dienpyridine and cananodine. All these chemical constituents make it perfect for different health concerns.

Cypriol Oil Benefits

Worldwide there are approximately 700 species of essential oils where 60 species are found in India. Few of these species are used to prepare the Cypriol essential oil. 

Let’s discuss the cypriol essential oil benefits.

Good for Flu and Chest Congestion

The soothing aroma of Cypriol essential oil can stimulate the limbic system of the brain and invoke the release of certain types of chemical which can be helpful in the treatment of respiratory disorders. Whenever we inhale the Cypriol essential oil, then it can help in loosening the mucus and phlegm. 

Best Remedy for Stress and Depression

If we go into the detailed analysis of Cypriol oil benefits, we find that the soothing aroma of this oil helps in reducing the tension, stress, and depression. However, this is very useful in the treatment of insomnia and anxiety-related disorders. It’s excellent in the mood uplifting and regains the loss of energy.

Cypriol Essential Oil for Skin – Keep Skin Young & Healthy

We know about the essential oils for the skin, but cypriol is stunning. This can provide a wide range of benefits for skin where it promotes skin health. This essential oil also possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, this cypriol essential oil for skin is good for the treatment of various skin conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis.

It can be helpful in reducing the itchiness sensation and redness. And also works as a robust moisturizer. Meanwhile, it is excellent for decreasing the dryness and flaking of skin. Antibacterial properties of this natural essential oil make it good for acne.

If it’s perfectly mixed with the carrier oils such as coconut oil, almond oil or jojoba oil, then it could assist in reducing the inflammation on the joints.

Eliminate the Intestinal Worms

If we use Cypriol essential oil with honey and ginger, then it can be an effective remedy to fight with intestinal worms.

Good for Diabetes Problem

Diabetes is one of the most common problems these days. We should not forget that Cypriol can minimize the impact of diabetes. And it must be included while talking about the cypriol oil benefits. This oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and antioxidant properties which make it good to treat various problems. It’s pretty much helpful in the treatment of decreasing blood sugar levels and inflammation. It’s best for type II Diabetes. 

Excellent Remedy for Acne

Cypriol essential oil has outstanding antibacterial properties which makes it good to fight against the acne. In the list of the best essential oils for acne, Cypriol is the top. It can finish the acne-causing bacteria, and positively impact the production of oil and sebum on the skin. It can also prevent acne from getting worse. 

Read More: Best Essential Oils for Acne

Superb for Wound Healing

Cypriol oil can promote wound healing for open wounds and cuts. Its finest wound healing property can enhance the blood clot fast and lead to quick healing. You must have this essential oil in your first aid kit.

Buy Pure and Natural Cypriol Essential Oil

We are one of the top-recognized essential oil manufacturers, suppliers, and wholesalers in India. We prepare the essential oils after procuring the highest quality of raw material from its natural habitat. Cypriol oil is also used in aromatherapy, hair removal treatment, cosmetic and beauty products, and in perfumes. Our 100% pure and natural essential oils are quite helpful in dealing with numerous health concerns which include fever, skin infections, rheumatoid, arthritis, neurasthenia, kidney stones, gout, and other uric acid problems.


Essential Oil For Pregnancy

Essential oils have gone through several stages of success after consecutive demands by the customers. Also the seamless supply of the top essential oils manufacturers and wholesalers in India. We know that essential oils are pretty much helpful in the treatment of various diseases. But here we’re going to discuss the essential oils for pregnancy.

Actually, essential oils are the natural extracts of plants containing the essence of that particular botanical species. They inherit the outstanding chemical composition, which might be good to treat various health concerns. If we talk about the uses of the essential oils, then these natural products can be good for skin, hair, digestion, liver, bone, etc. In the recent study, it was found that the essential oils market size will touch a mark of US$11.92 BN by 2022.

In Different industry verticals such as healthcare, food and beverages, cosmetics, and others. These are widely recommended by industry experts.

Best Essential Oils During Pregnancy

There are a wide range of essential oils for pregnancy available in the market, which can ensure better health during pregnancy. Some essential oils are lavender, chamomile, and ylang-ylang. 

They have their own significance and impact, which may produce amazing effects while applying on the body. They may help in relieving pain, stress, depression, sleep disorders, and aches. However, doctors strongly denied the usage of essential oils in the early phases of pregnancy, as these may lead to uterine contractions and can adversely impact the baby.

For thousands of years, people have been using these essential oils for pregnancy.

Most of the essential oils are highly recommended in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. As during this stage, fetuses develop with more speed.

Let’s go through a few best essential oils during pregnancy:-

Essential Oils Safe for Pregnancy

Among the list of essential oils, not every essential oil is good for pregnancy-related concerns. There are few ones that may produce side-effects, and others may offer excellent positive responses.

Eucalyptus, ginger, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, bergamot, roman chamomile, lemongrass, lime, patchouli, etc. fall under the category of essential oils safe for pregnancy.

Lavender Essential Oil for Pregnancy

Lavender is one of the finest essential oils having a great range of properties, which makes it good for anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness. However, they can be good for pregnancy and mostly recommended during the second trimester.  

If we talk more about the health benefits of lavender essential oils, we find that this may improve the sleep quality, and eliminate the stress levels.

This can put women in the new dimension of peace and a healthy lifestyle.

Read More: Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

Geranium Essential Oil

Here we must understand that Geranium essential oils are pretty much helpful to address the second trimester. The geranium essential oil has amazing qualities, which makes it good to reduce the feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, tension. 

Which is required for a healthy pregnancy cycle. The Geranium essential oil is good for maintaining the emotional imbalance of the body as well as hormones. Since long years back, geranium has been used for various health issues, including – treatment of skin, hair, and other health concerns.

In the list of the best essential oils for pregnancy, the geranium ranks top.

Tea Tree Oil During Pregnancy

Tea tree is an amazing oil that is derived from the leaves of the tea tree, where it’s great in the treatment of various health concerns. It’s good for skin, hair, sore throat, ear infections, vaginal infections, and pregnancy. 

The chemical composition of the tea tree essential oil makes it a perfect antibacterial and antifungal agent. However, it’s good to reduce the acne, benefit people with bacterial vaginosis, and hemorrhoids, etc. Tea tree oil during pregnancy is an excellent remedy.

The natural essential oils to avoid during pregnancy

As we’ve gone through the best essential oils for pregnancy but still there are few ones who should be avoided. As these may cause contractions. The list of essential oils to avoid during pregnancy include cinnamon, clove, rosemary, and clary sage.

There are a few more examples: Arnica, Basil, Birch, Bitter Almond, Broom, Calamus, Chervin, Savin, Tonka, Wintergreen, Rosemary, Pine, Nutmeg, etc.

Buy Pure And Natural Essential Oils

We are one of the foremost essential oil manufacturers and suppliers in India. Our highest-quality products are free from any type of adulteration and mix, which is recommended by the top physiotherapists and aromatherapists. While processing the same, we use traditional extraction approaches using steam distillation.

Buy Now top-notch essential oils for pregnancy at most competitive pricing. We allow single to bulk order in any part of the country and overseas. Fast, responsive customer support will help you in the context of booking to deliver a product.


Essential Oils for Hormone Balance

Essential oils are the natural extracts that are obtained through the plants and its parts. It’s quite interesting they are widely used for different purposes, including healthcare, medicine, beauty, and cosmetic products, including food and beverages. But here we’ll discuss the best essential oils for hormone balance.

Hormones play a significant role in the human body and are known as the chemical messenger, which are secreted into the bloodstream. After that, hormones move to different organs and body parts to execute their proper functioning. If there’s a hormonal imbalance, then there are various types of remedies to treat the same. Essential oils for hormone balance is one of the best known.

There are different types of hormones that are related to different processes and functions, including development and growth, metabolism of food items, cognitive function and mood impact, maintenance of body temperature, sexual function, and reproductive growth, and health.

Hormone imbalance both affects men and women, which is beyond the boundary.

Causes of Hormonal Imbalance

There’re many health concerns associated with hormonal imbalance, which can be diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Cushing syndrome, hormone therapy, medication, stress, pituitary tumor, or anything else.

Properties of Natural Essential Oils

It’s quite interesting that natural essential oils possess amazing sorts of properties which help in energy boost, digestion, stress relief, calm down the nerves and increase the focus. Also, they are pretty much helpful in the treatment of hair, skin, and other health concerns. 

If we go into the deep analysis, we find that these have the following properties such as antispasmodic, deodorant, vulnerability, vermifuge, antibiotic, antiseptic, carminative, analgesic, antibacterial, etc. The presence of aromatic chemical composition can make them an outstanding one.

Best Essential Oils for Hormone Balance

Hormone imbalance can deeply impact both men and women, where they may feel the following symptoms, including depression, mood swings, weight gain, fatigue, insomnia, etc. If hormone imbalance is not treated on time or left untreated, it might cause several diseases. 

We’ve come up with the best essential oils for hormone imbalance.

Lemongrass Essential Oil

The lemongrass is a wonderful natural product having amazing health benefits where it can be good to regulate the blood pressure, relieve stress, ease nausea, etc. In the context of hormone imbalance, it’s one of the most effective remedies. 

The female hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced by the female reproductive system. If these hormones are not balanced, they can cause infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, and PMS. It’s one of the best essential oils for female hormone balance. It is equipped with many natural chemical compounds that give the ability to balance hormones.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender falls under the category of the best essential oils for various health concerns, including hair, skin, digestive system, liver, and hormone imbalance. It effectively works for many problems, including pain relief from abdominal cramps due to menstrual.

Lemongrass can lessen the feeling of stress and depression.

Clary Sage for Hormones

Clary sage can effectively work for many health concerns and is good for hormone imbalance. There are numerous benefits of clary sage essential oils, including stress reduction, alleviation of menopause symptoms, reducing menstrual cramps, and have antidepressant properties.

Clary sage for hormones can do something magical, including controlling and regulating hormones. Clary sage works like the natural hormones which efficiently helps in regulating the secretion of the improper hormone. Furthermore, it can be useful to protect women from polycystic ovary disease, which may be the cause of uterine and ovarian cancers. The overproduction of estrogen is one of the main reasons for this disease.

It’s a wonderful essential oil for hormone imbalance.

Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium essential oil is best known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. And it can enhance circulation, decrease blood pressure, build immunity, reduce the symptoms of menstruation. Geranium essential oil is well-known for its skin and hair treatment. It works better to treat much health, including stress, anxiety, depression, and it can further increase the emotional imbalance. It falls under the category of the best essential oils for hormones.

Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood oil can manage the hormone imbalance in the body, where it is very helpful in balancing the testosterone levels in men and women. It can improve the hormone levels and classified as the natural aphrodisiac that works to improve the libido functioning.

Sandalwood oil is incorporated with the antiseptic and astringent property. It’s considered good for headaches, stomachaches, and urinary disorders. Apart from this, sandalwood is used for the treatment of inflammatory and eruptive skin diseases.

Basil Essential Oil

Among the list of best essential oils for hormone balance, Basil works outstanding. It can control the functioning of the adrenal gland, which is responsible for stress. Hormone, which is called by the name Cortisol is produced by these glands. 

This essential oil is very much helpful in increasing the body’s natural response for both types of stress, either it’s emotional or physical. In a study, it was found that it can reduce the symptoms of stress in both men and women.

Buy Pure and Natural Essential Oil for Hormones

KushAroma is one of the leading essential oils, attars, absolute oils, and carrier oils manufacturers in India. The essential oil is extracted through the freshly procured raw material from the natural habitat. Our high-quality essential oils have a great capacity to fight against tough health issues. Meanwhile, essential oils for hormones, including sandalwood oil, Basil, lavender, lemongrass, and clary sage essential oils, can be purchased at competitive pricing.

We have 70 years of legacy in the manufacturing of world-class, pure, and natural products. In a short span of time, we’ve earned a reputation and spread a network in Asia, South Africa, and the Middle East. KushAroma can offer you a wide range of essential oils for various health concerns.


Rosemary Essential Oil for Hair

Rosemary oil for hair is one of the best remedies, if you suffer from hair fall, weakening of hair, dandruff, dry hair, and other kinds of hair problems. Rosemary is a fragrant evergreen herb belonging to the mint family Lamiaceae, where it’s mainly found in the Mediterranean Zone. This herb is used for culinary and perfumes along with exclusive health benefits. It’s considered as one of the good sources of iron, calcium, and vitamin B-6, and helps in improving memory, alleviate muscle pain, and to boost the immune system.

While going through in-depth research and analysis, we find that there are different types of rosemary versions. They are easily available in various types of flower colors such as white, blue, pink, and purple. Scientifically it’s known as the Salvia Rosmarinus, which is a woody, perennial herb which has needle-like leaves.

The presence of the finest range of chemical compounds makes rosemary one of the best essential oils for medicinal purposes. Today we have a great range of natural and herbal products, but no one can beat the rosemary essential oil.

Chemical Composition of Rosemary Essential Oil

The rosemary essential oil possesses the following chemical compounds, such as linalool, gamma-terpinene, thymol, beta-pinene, p-cymene, and eucalyptol. And all these chemical compounds can make rosemary essential oil a wonderful medicinal product. 

After blending with appropriate carrier oil such as coconut, olive, or anything else can make it perfect for stimulating hair growth, eliminating the pain, reducing the inflammation, and eradicating the headaches. Its refreshing aroma can mesmerize you and fill you with new energy.

Rosemary essential oils also contain therapeutic grade properties, including antibacterial, antimicrobial, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-viral, antiseptic, antiseptic, and many more. In the context of hair, rosemary oil for hair growth is the ultimate choice for users.

Essential oils for hair growth fall under a big list where this includes the following oils like lavender, peppermint, cedarwood, lemongrass, thyme, clary sage, and many more.

Rosemary Oil for Aromatherapy

Widely used in aromatherapy, the rosemary essential oil has a quite energizing, citrus-like fragrance that can refresh your mood and keep you in a relaxed state. This essential oil is pretty much useful in the retention of information by increasing the concentration, removing the stress level, anxiety, and eliminating the negative thoughts. Also, this essential oil eradicates the nervous tension and encourages clarity and insights. 

Rosemary contains the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in improving the immune system and improving the blood circulation in the body.

Rosemary Oil Benefits for Hair

In the cosmetic industry, every day, a new product launch with different sorts of chemical composition. Where the product owner assures you that the specific product will help to treat hair problems. But rosemary essential oil is robust, as it can stimulate hair growth, and strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system helps in recovering certain types of disorders. 

After the proper use with carrier oils, this shows amazing effect while making your hair healthy and shiny. Rosemary, It can stimulate blood circulation.

Moreover, this essential oil is genuinely helpful to strengthen the hair, lengthen them, and to promote moisturizing so as to prevent dandruff. Among the best essential oils for hair growth, rosemary ranks top. 

Research on rosemary continues, which reveals the fact that rosemary oil benefits for hair are not a limited one.

How Rosemary Essential Oil Extracted

Every time we discuss the pure and natural essential oil. But the quality and purity totally depend upon the extraction process and procurement of raw material. Poor quality of raw material will not produce a good quality of essential oil. Therefore, it’s necessary to procure high-quality raw material grown in a natural habitat that is free from the chemical additives and fertilizers.

Steam distillation is a wonderful approach to extract the essential oil. The traditional distillation technique uses direct heating of two mixtures. The mixture passes through different stages of heating and condensation, and finally, accumulation of pure extract.

The pure extract of rosemary essential oil has watery viscosity with pale yellow. It has a powerful and refreshing smell similar to mint. It should be carefully passed through the different stages, keeping the temperature under control. So as not to destroy the property of rosemary essential oils.

Buy Essential Oil for Hair Growth

KushAroma is known for its purest natural products, where we’ve earned the trust of customers. We supply, manufacture, and wholesale the highest quality of rosemary essential oil for hair growth. We allow online booking of a bulk order to single-unit order and assure fast delivery in any part of the world.


Lavender Essential Oil Benefits

We are living in the era of science, where every day something new appears in this world. Scientists and researchers are doing a great job in the improvement of our society through innovations, especially in the context of natural essential oils. We usually hear about natural and herbal products where essential oils have their place in aromatherapy, culinary, cosmetics, and treatment of many disorders and diseases. In a list of essential oils, lavender essential oil ranks top because of its powerful disease remedial properties. While preparing a chart of benefits of lavender essential oils, we find that this essential oil possesses numerous properties which make it a good medicinal agent, and excellent in enhancing the beauty and inner energy of the body. Lavender oil uses are numerous, but here we’ll discuss a few ones.

While analyzing the beauty and cosmetic market, we find that there are a bunch of products that are used for hair and skincare. It’s expected that this market will touch a mark of $429.8 billion by 2022. In the context of essential oils, consumers have shown their inclination towards these natural products because of their safe usage. There are hundreds of pure and natural essential oils which have captured the market, few of them are peppermint, lemon, bergamot, orange, cinnamon, lemongrass, tea tree, eucalyptus, basil, black pepper, cardamom, citronella essential oils, etc. 

What is Lavender

Lavender is generally an herb that is found in northern Africa and mountainous regions of the Mediterranean. And lavender essential oil is extracted through the flower spikes of lavender species by using a steam distillation process. It is the most widely cultivated species in this region and used mainly for culinary and health purposes. However, it’s beneficial in enhancing the look and charm of your personality, therefore good for cosmetics. The presence of an exclusive range of chemical compounds makes it perfect for the treatment of anxiety, stress, insomnia, pain after surgery, dementia, depression, and many more. Scientific study on lavender has revealed its medicinal benefits. 

If we talk about the chemical composition of lavender essential oil, we find that this contains the following types of the active components such as terpineol, linalool, bornyl acetate, linalyl acetate, borneol, and eucalyptol or lavandulyl acetate. And all these compounds enhance its therapeutic grade properties such as antifungal, antibacterial, anti-depression, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, detoxifying, sedative, antispasmodic, and many more. Because of this, there are myriads of lavender oil uses, which we will discuss later.

Benefits of Lavender Essential Oils

After a general discussion, let’s go through the amazing benefits of lavender oil, where we will see how this could be beneficial in the treatment of various health issues. 

Anxiety & Depression

Among the lots of lavender oil uses, we found in a study that lavender essential oil is quite effective in the treatment of anxiety and depression. If it’s used in aromatherapy, it can be beneficial in enhancing the mood and behavior of a person, while balancing the mind. It’s considered as the best essential oil for anxiety and depression as well as for stress-related disorders.


Today most people suffer from sleep-related disorders, mainly insomnia, which is caused by many factors. In this case, there are many options available in the market, but the lavender essential oil is the perfect solution for treating insomnia related problems. It produces a soothing effect, improves sleep quality and duration of sleep. 

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits for Skin

Lavender is very useful in the treatment of various skin disorders and can produce amazing results. It’s considered as the best essential oil for skin where it makes a good impact on the treatment of acne, helps lighten the skin, and reduces wrinkles. It has antibacterial property, therefore, prevent the acne breakout, unclogs pores, and diminishes the inflammation. Let’s have a glance over eczema, which can emerge on any part of the body. If a person suffers from eczema, the skin gets itchy, dry, and scaly. The anti-inflammation property of lavender essential oil makes it good for skin lightening, and lessen the blotchiness and redness. Face wrinkles are mainly caused by free radicals. The lavender essential oil has antioxidant properties, which can reduce the face wrinkles to a large extent. All these can make it good for the treatment of facial wrinkles and other skin health issues. Lavender oil uses are limited to skincare, it’s also good for hair issues.

Also Read: Best Essential Oils for Acne-Prone Skin

Lavender Essential Oils Benefits for Hair

Hair is quite important for us, as these are useful to enhance the look of our personality. In the market, there are various products that are available which ensure healthy hair, but lavender essential oil for hair is unmatched. It has many useful properties for strengthening the hair, and in reducing the hair fall. Lavender oil can improve hair health. It can promote hair growth, reduce the impact of bacteria and fungi. Also good for the treatment of dandruff and itchy scalp. Moreover, it’s useful in baldness and preventing the hair lice. We’ve seen the lavender essential oil benefits for hair, now let’s check the other benefits.

For Lip Care

Due to the excellent properties of lavender essential oil, it’s considered as one of the best agents for lip care. It’s best for the cracking of lips. 

Help in Digestion

Lavender essential oil not only works for skin, hair, and lips. It’s also good for digestion. Today, and also perfect for liver diseases, where it can prevent liver-related issues. It can be beneficial for fatty liver syndrome, and can also activate the liver enzymes for further action in relation to digestion.

Also Read: Best Essential Oils for Hair Growth

Where to Buy Pure and Natural Essential Oil

The quality of any product always matters! Therefore KushAroma exports make every possible effort to produce excellent quality of essential oils. We manufacture the highest degree of natural essential oils, where the raw material is collected from different sources. By the use of traditional extraction approaches, we extract the pure essential oils. And all these products are available at the most competitive price. We have a strong legacy of manufacturing and exporting of essential oils, and serving to more than 30 countries. All our products incorporate the essence of nature and preferred by our clients. Buyers can book their order through the online or offline mode. Call us for any queries or assistance.


5 Best Essential Oils And Their Uses

We always learn about natural products such as essential oils, attars, absolute oils and many more, but generally remain confused about their property, uses, and benefits. Today we’ll explore more about the 5 best essential oils and their uses. Chiefly, in the world of health-boosting botanical products, we opt essential oils for different purposes such as for aromatherapy, cosmetics, and for the treatment of certain diseases and disorders. An exponentially growing market of natural products & consumer inclination towards essential oils draws our attention with a higher level of curiosity.

Whenever we go into the in-depth analysis and research of the essential oils, we find that these products are pretty helpful in hair problems, skin diseases, bone, heart and lung issues, along with depression, insomnia, stress, and other mental disorders.

Today in the prevailing market, there are more than hundreds of essential oils and every essential oil has its own merit over various health concerns.

Why we should use essential oils

As we know that essential oils are derived from botanical sources such as roots, stem, flowers, leaves, and other parts of plants. These natural products contain chemical compositions and the therapeutic properties which might be useful in the treatment of certain types of problems. In the context of therapeutic properties, the best essential oils in the market possess the following: antimicrobial, astringent, cardiac, cordial, antiviral, antiscorbutic, antibacterial,anti-rheumatic, anticoagulant, anti odontalgic, sedative, deodorant, diuretic, expectorant, etc. Presence of certain aromatic compounds and terpenes and oxygenated terpenes decide the natural properties of essential oils. Meanwhile the compounds like α-terpinene, 1,8-cineole, γ-terpinene, p-cymene, eugenyl acetate, carvacrol,α-terpineol, and α-pinene play a vital role.

Top Essential Oils for Buyers

In a list of best essential oils – Amyris, Bergamot, Bitter Orange, Black Pepper, and Rose Geranium rank high. They possess outstanding therapeutic properties and chemical composition, which makes them good for the treatment of various diseases.

Bergamot Essential Oil and its Uses

Bergamot essential oil is one of the finest essential oil which is obtained from the rinds of citrus fruit scientifically known as Citrus bergamia. It’s native of Southeast Asia. This essential oil plays a significant role in treating many health issues. Let’s explore bergamot essential oil and its uses

  • It’s considered as the best essential oil for skin and acne where this possesses the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Whenever you mix a few drops with your shampoo, soon you’ll realize the effect of bergamot essential oil. This is very much useful for hair problems, including the irritating scalp, dandruff, and hair fall.
  • A study on bergamot essential revealed the fact that when we use this natural product, we find a positive effect on stress and anxiety reduction.
  • Presence of linalool makes it good for treating food poisoning issues where it kills the bacteria responsible for illness after intake of food.
  • It’s much more helpful in lower down the cholesterol level and can reduce the lipid level.
  • Bergamot essential oil contains linalool and carvacrol effectively reduces pain and inflammation.

Amyris Essential Oil and its Uses

Amyris essential oil contains many marvellous health properties such as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, balsamic cicatrisant, emollient, expectorant, muscle relaxant and sedative. Works as the fixative in soaps and perfumes. It is used for coughs, chest congestion, restlessness and tension eradication. This has a refreshing aroma that keeps your stress and anxiety away from you. Amyris essential oil assists in skin regeneration and other skin related problems, where this possesses the anti-ageing property. Valerianol- one of the prime chemical constituents of Amyris, which makes it perfect for stress relief, insomnia, and tension. Amyris Essential Oil and its Uses are not limited to this extent and have other benefits; that’s why it’s considered as one of the best essential oil in the market.

Bitter Orange Essential Oil and its Uses

Bitter orange provides you with better treatment in the context of constipation, poor digestion and clearing congestion of the liver. If we talk about the bitter orange essential oil and its uses, we find that it’s very much useful in mood uplift, and energize the body. Because of its calming effect, it’s widely used in meditation, easing stress and anxiety. It can eliminate the tantrums and frustration in both adults and children. In case of acne and skin related problems, “ bitter orange is a boon”.

Black Pepper Essential Oil and its Uses

All of us are well aware of the black pepper, which falls under the category of spices. Where black pepper essential oil is extracted through the steam distillation process and has a spicy, musky, warm aroma, this essential oils impact brilliantly on the digestive and nervous system, therefore good for the treatment of many disorders and health concerns. Black pepper essential oil and its uses are numerous, but in a general count, it offers great benefits in terms of energy balance and blood circulation. And also good for muscle aches and pains.

Rose Geranium Essential Oil and its Uses

Rose geranium essential oil contains antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antimicrobial and anti-bacterial property; therefore, it’s considered as the best essential oil for hair, skin. Rose geranium works as an active ingredient in cosmetic products and used in lotions and fragrances. It’s also used for reducing acne breakouts, skin irritation and infections. We can prepare a comprehensive list of rose geranium essential oil and its uses if we go in-depth analysis of the product.

How Essential Oils Work

Essential oils are mainly used by two modes:- topically and inhalation. Where topically is generally used for cosmetic purposes or to treat the pain. And during this oil’s molecules are absorbed through the top layer of skin (epidermis), and move into the bloodstream. And most of the essential oils are used for stress relief, depression, and other psychological disorders. When we inhale the essential oils, their molecules stimulate the limbic system of the brain, causing relaxation, and a good amount of soothing effect. Generally, the limbic system is involved in triggering of memory and controlling of several physiological functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, breathing etc. In a study, it was found that inhalation produces a quicker effect on the body, and amazing to help myriad issues such as nausea, anxiety, insomnia, allergies and pain.

Buy Best Essential Oil Online

KushAroma Exports is one of the leading manufacturer, supplier, exporter and wholesaler of natural essential oils in India. We have crossed the borders and serving to many more nations, including Middle East countries, Asia, Europe, and Australia. In a self-owned manufacturing unit, you can buy the best essential oil for your use.


Black Pepper Essential Oil Health Benefits

Black pepper is also known as nature’s boon for mankind because of its attributes. We all know that black pepper is widely used in our everyday life, but still unaware of its benefits. Black pepper essential oil possesses many useful chemical constituents and properties. Today this topic will explore more about the black pepper essential oil and its health benefits. 

If we talk about the natural essential oils market, we find that these products have captured the market as the people always search them for various purposes mostly for health concerns. According to research and survey report on essential oils, it was found that the essential oils market will reach to the level of $11 billion by 2022. These products are widely used in many applications including, aromatherapy, food and beverages, cosmetics, home care, healthcare and toiletries etc. There are various factors that determine the increasing demand for the essential oils where we can include anxiety, stress, and depression-related problems and along with the changing lifestyle of the customers. The impact of changing lifestyle is such that it is producing negative effects on the human body, mind and behaviour. Major institutions such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) keep eyes over these kinds of products and nod for them in context of safety and good for many health issues. Now let’s discuss black pepper essential oil benefits for skin and hair. If we see the in-depth insights of black pepper, we find myriads of benefits of black pepper essential oil for hair.

KushAroma is primarily known for its high-quality of natural products including essential oils, attars, absolute oils, floral oils and many more. We have established ourselves as the foremost essential oil manufacturers, exporters, distributors, and suppliers in India and overseas. We procure excellent quality of raw material before extraction of black pepper essential oil.

The Black pepper essential oil is extracted from the plant Piper nigrum of the Piperaceae family, where the steam distillation process is used for this purpose.

Black Pepper – Chemical Constituents & Therapeutic Properties

Black pepper essential oil comprises of outstanding chemical composition and therapeutic properties. If we talk about the chemical constituents, we find that it includes – limonene, b-bisabolene, caryophyllene, myrcene, a-phellandrene, a-thujone, a-pinene, camphene, sabinene, b-pinene, b-farnesene, linalool and terpinen-4-ol. Where therapeutic properties of black pepper essential oil includes the followings – febrifuge, analgesic, diaphoretic, digestive, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, aphrodisiac, digestive, diuretic, laxative, rubefacient and tonic. And all this make natural black essential oil a wonderful product for aromatherapy. Moreover, this oil possesses many minerals and vitamins such as manganese, iron, vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and selenium. It also possesses the spicy, hot, woody scent.

Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits

We’ve seen the chemical and therapeutic properties of black pepper, now its time to explore the benefits and usage of black pepper essential oils, especially in aromatherapy or health-related problems.

Helps in Digestion

Black Pepper essential oil works better for digestion, where it has the potential to stimulate the liver, stomach and pancreas. It’s known for its excellent results on constipation and lack of appetite. The oil can stimulate the entire digestive system starting from salivary glands to the large intestine. And foster the secretion of digestive juice. Black pepper is also useful for mouth ulcer, jaundice, and increased acidity.

Good for Excretory System

In the case of excretion related problems, the black pepper essential oil shows amazing effect. It can diminish the infections in the digestive and excretory system, along with safety.

Remove the Arthritis Pain

As we have gone through the different segments – that black pepper oil is quite useful in dealing with many health concerns, but here it’s worth noted that it could produce the warming, stimulating effect and improve the blood circulation in the body. It can provide instant relief from bone-related problems such as arthritis, gout and rheumatism. It helps in removing undesired compounds from the blood.

Benefits of Black Pepper Essential Oil for Skin

Black pepper essential oil possesses the antioxidant property and fights against the free radicals, which can further harm the skin and may cause premature ageing, and keep you young and full of life. If we go more into the details, we find that antibacterial property of this oil can do magic, and work as the effective skin-purifier. Benefits of black pepper essential oil for skin can be calculated when we see that it can eliminate impurities, toxins and bacteria and open the pores so as to breathe in full.

Eliminate the feelings of anxiety

Black pepper has the property to reduce the anxiety, stress and relieve the negative effects. It can stimulate the brain effectivity and allows to produce the positive effect by providing relaxant chemicals. As because of its relaxant and anti-depressant property, it falls under the category of the best essential oils for anxiety, stress, sleeping problems and depression. 

Also Read: Best Essential Oils for Acne-Prone Skin

Benefits of Black Pepper Essential Oil for Hair

Black pepper is quite effective for our body, and also for our hair. It can strengthen our hair and stimulate hair growth. The oil contains the vitamins, including A and C, flavonoids, carotenoids and other antioxidants. Moreover, this is very helpful in reducing dandruff and works as a scalp detox.

Also Read: Essential Oils for Hair Growth

How to Use Black Pepper Essential Oil & Precautions


We can use the black pepper essential oil in numerous ways, where we can do massage by combining with one drop with a carrier oil. It can also be used by adding a drop to our cooking items. Moreover, diffusion can also be good where user can diffuse or inhale directly to get relief from anxious feelings.


  • Keep out of the reach of the children
  • If you are pregnant, then please take the advice of a regular medical practitioner before using the same.
  • Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive parts of the body.

Buy Online

KushAroma – A Key player of essential oil manufacturing, export, and supply facilitate online and offline mode of purchase of all sorts of natural products including natural essential oils, attars, absolute oils etc. Buyers can book their order for black pepper essential oil online.