Why cold pressing?

Myriad methods exist to extract oil from plants and trees. Just to give a broad example, distillation and solvent extraction is a way in which the plant is instilled in other constituents to extract the fragrant particles.


However, when the concern is extraction of oil from seed, cold pressing method is ideal. Most of the essential oils and carrier oils utilize cold pressing. One particular reason behind this preference is the purity of oil (100%) that is extracted as a result.


Why is it cold pressed?

All other processes require the presence of an external substance, which is not a case with cold pressing. Here, the seeds are crushed and pressed such that the oil is forced out of them.


If you are wondering if the friction spikes up the temperature of the products, it definitely does. However according to experts, it is not too high. The only thing that manufacturers should keep in mind is to maintain the temperature in a specific range so they can claim that the oil is cold pressed. Every oil has a specific range. For example, in the extraction of jojoba oil, the temperature cannot exceed beyond 45 ° C and for extra virgin olive oil, it cannot go beyond 25 ° C.


Cold Pressing Method

The Steps of Cold Processing