Discover plenty of health benefits from Lotus blue absolute oil offered by Kush Aroma Exports. We are renowned as one of the credible manufacturers and suppliers of Lotus blue absolute oil which has been tremendously appreciated by the users all over the globe. No matter, you are encountering internal or external ailments, this absolute oil ensures complete treatment for various body issues. People often use it as the best remedy to be used to treat their topical skin ailments. The best part is that it is non-allergic and provides soothing skin only after a few applications.
Besides, the Lotus oil possesses captivating fragrance which calms the mood and ensures extreme relaxation to the body. Individuals who generally feel fatigued and over-stressed can use this as their ideal stress relieving drug. Using this oil not only provides health benefits but also proves the best fragrant product which can be used as a home or office diffuser. Choose Kush Aroma Exports, if you want to make yourself healthy in natural ways.
Precautions: This floral absolute should not be consumed or used by pregnant and nursing women. Remember the oil might have allergic constituents so avoid using it on children. Taking a doctor’s guidance would be beneficial before starting using the offered absolute oil.
Botanical Name: Nelumbo Nucifera
Family: Nymphaeaceae
Source: Flowers
Origin: India
Processing Method: Solvent Extraction
Color/Consistency: A thick liquid with a blue color. Sometimes, the oil is found with a tinge of yellowish color.
CAS #: 85085-51-4
Specific Gravity: 0.9645 25 C
Solubility: Soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water
Refractive Index: 1.4950 - 1.4990 @20OC
Optical Rotation: N/A
Flash Point: N/A
Aromatic Summary: The Lotus blue absolute oil possesses a middle note which further provides it a strong aroma to be used for various purposes.
Amalgamation: Our high-quality natural absolute blends well with other herb extracts to add a different flavor and euphoric effects to the smoking mixture.